How are radios used by stewards?
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Communication Protocols for Stewards at Football Matches
Use of Radios
At football matches, there are many stewards on duty. Therefore, the widespread use of radios by everyone would be impractical due to excessive chatter. Typically, radios are used by supervisors and higher positions to ensure control is aware of ground activities. Stewards act as the eyes and ears of the control room, reporting any incidents through their supervisors.
Alternative Communication Methods
Some stadiums are equipped with telephones or emergency phones. Additionally, briefing sheets may include a symbol to attract attention if a steward requires assistance. Despite these alternatives, radios remain widely used with different call signs and channels for various roles.
Radio Allocation and Call Signs
The safety officer is responsible for developing the stewarding plan, which includes radio allocation and call signs. Some stadiums use a colour scheme for different stands, such as red, blue, green, and yellow, with corresponding call signs. Response stewards, who handle challenging situations, are assigned a separate channel.
Emergency Communication Protocols
Stewards are instructed never to use their mobile phones to call emergency services directly. All calls must go through the control room, which will then contact the emergency services. This ensures that the control room is aware of all emergency responses and can coordinate effectively.
There have been instances where direct calls by stewards have led to confusion, such as ambulances being sent away mistakenly. Therefore, clear instructions from the control room are crucial to avoid such scenarios.
Briefing and Positioning
During briefings, stewards are informed about their positions, code words, and communication protocols. Knowing their exact location and call signs is essential for accurate and timely response to incidents.
Effective communication protocols, including the use of radios and proper emergency procedures, are vital for maintaining safety at football matches. By following these protocols, stewards ensure a well-coordinated response to any incidents, enhancing overall event safety.