The EMS at large events - a medical professional's answer: The EMS at large events
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Emergency Medical Services Planning at Large Events
In this video, we ask a medical professional: What planning is involved for emergency medical services at large events?
Pre-Planning of Medical Services
Most medical services at large events are pre-planned. These services include emergency medical personnel who are already on scene, which may consist of private providers or first aid volunteers. Each event will have a lead for medical services, and a detailed briefing will be provided regarding the event duration, incident management procedures, and reporting protocols.
Briefing and Incident Management
Event briefings are crucial. They include information on the event's duration, incident management procedures, and reporting protocols. It is essential to take good notes during the briefing or obtain a copy of the written plan for reference.
Use of Code Words
In some cases, code words are used to convey information across a public address system. For example, phrases like "code blue", "code red", or "will Mr. Brown report to control" are commonly used. These code words should be included in the briefing notes.
Thorough planning and preparation are essential for emergency medical services at large events. By attending briefings, understanding incident management procedures, and being aware of code words, medical personnel can effectively manage emergencies and ensure the safety of all attendees.